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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A note regarding points of views

Back after a long long time..
The world has changed pretty much in the meantime. So has changed my life. But it’s the same me. Striving in a world that calls itself civilized, with its positive traits and negative too.

I am still fighting against the norms and basics of this society. Trying to bring a change in me.
But I can never accept the theory which allows people to criticize me without giving me an acceptable solution.
No one in this world in 100% right or 100% wrong. So, who has the right to criticize about the righteousness of the others ? Yet the world keeps on doing so. Saying biased things, yet claiming not to be. The world has so many points of views. Everyone has it, everyone has to have it. That’s obvious. But that doesn’t mean that, that someone will slander the others points of views by verdicting it to be wrong!
Logic at a point is of course necessary but we need to understand this that what logic prevails today weren’t prevailing in a distant past. Someone or the other conceived that in their mind. So, logics can be formed, discovered, created and redefined ... and that is what some people do….even though that might be just a handful.

This is a very controversial topic ‘cause, somepeople might say that by this logic one can kill someone and claim that it’s right cause it’s his point of view. But to be very practical,  there are mass killers who are respected in the society and even worshipped.
Example, the people who were involved in the freedom struggle of India, today are worshipped as legends, yet to some, they were terrorists, and bad people. So? Does that stop us to worship it?
What I am saying is not socially accepted but is prevalent in the society among the ones who makes just the opposite norms. So, this is just a paranoia, a one sided biased, partial decisions made by people to serve their own interests. One can not stop it ....the paradox is… can not change the ever changing society ( pun intended).
I have heard a saying somewhere… “People fear what they don’t understand” .
That is true. But the fact is that not everyone is capable of being different and with it maintain the the task of keeping the balance.. For that u need leadership…you need to be the shepherd to guide the ignorant flock of masses…and people has to have their faith in the one they follow.
But for those who can live with ideologies deviated directly from the society, they are most welcome to do so. One has the right to decide what he wishes to follow. But you cannot deny the Ultimate truth.

A person is born in this world, he lives his life and at the end, whatever or whoever might he be, die with his identity .if he is reborn, the identity of his previous life has died. So, we got one life, one lifetime and one chance. If that person wishes to live a life of his own he is more than welcome to do so. Nothing is absolute. So one must use his intellect and reason to justify to himself what that person is doing. If it is something positive ( positive doesn’t mean what the society has defined “positiveness”’), he will get back the same and if it is negative, he will get back it too! That’s what we call Karma or in a term more familiar and perhaps scientific, the law of cause and effect.for example, if a person kills someone terminally ill and in immense pain,it it would relieve someone from life long suffering and if he kills the person with that intention, then he is of course creating a positive karma for him, even if the world and what we call the law shuns it. But suppose, if someone does the same with an intention in mind, like acquiring the dead person’s properties, even if he is doing something good from the point of view stated above, he is acquiring a negative karma. So, in the end it’s all in our minds and our intentions. So I believe one must be careful about his intention. I have experimented with this hypothesis and at the end got desired results.
That’s what a part of my point of view is.
If you like it, great.
If you don’t, I respect that….
So long.. if you like it, don’t forget to “recommend” it to others, if you don’t, never mind. Sorry if I sound rude, I don’t intend to be so….