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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some random thoughts coming in my mind..

What am I ? Who I am ? What's my existance ?? Where am I ? Why am I here ? Where will I go from here ???? These are the question arising in my mind when I meditate deeply... Amidst the silent bliss of solitude.. These questions come around and fill me.. Then I started thinking what is the answer to all these.. ?
Through the chanting of "Om" I found out the biggest truth in the universe.. religion preaches it and science confirms it..  Whats is it ??????? " All is one " .. Everything in the universe is one.. made up of same basic elements.. and when they are seen, the basic elements are made of same atomic partices which are made of sub atomic particles, which are made of querks.. there will be a time when querks will be albe to be divided into some other basic particles.... Every particle has dual characteristics.. where from ? The wave in it.. whats that ? Energy ... How many types ? 2 .. One creates, one destroys.. Every thing in the universe comes in pair.. Charge - positive , negative .. Magnetic poles - north and south, living beings - male and female ... matter with antimatter..  What is mind ? It is the biomagnetic field that surrounds me.. whats it's extent..  That depends upon me.. It can be stretched till infinity.. Thats where conciousness turns superconciousness..

HariOm!! Amen!