Friday, December 31, 2010
Mind is really a strange thing.. It is that thing which defines me to myself and everyone to themselves...
Whatever I am, whatever my existance is, its all in the mind.. I have been given a body with all organs working perfectly well. But what is it without a mind? Only a living being have a mind.. The science defines it as the bio-magnetic field that surrounds someone and fills himself.. The concept of the soul in a body..
wikipedia defines mind as :
Mind (pronounced /ˈmaɪnd/) is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will, and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes. The term is often used to refer, by implication, to the thought processes of reason. Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness.
Let me give you an example..
I have say, two things.. one dvd and a dvd player.. now the dvd is a disc which contains the movie but can it play a movie all by itself ? No.. it can't
Again, the dvd player is the object which can play a movie.. so, can a dvd player play a movie all by itself ?
The answer is as simple as anything.. It obviously can't..
so, a disc separately without a dvd player and a dvd player without a disc is as worthless as a stone.
Now lets have tha analogy.. the mind is the thing we call the essence of life and the body is something where the essence is manifested.. They both are nothing if they are apart and like a movie is played when a dvd is inserted in a dvd player, the life is manifested only when a mind is inside a body..
Isn't that simple ? Guess it is.. but the problem arises when, we try to think where from it originated ?
Again we have a simple answer, from another life..
It is true for all present living beings..
A child is born from a mother, that's the law of the nature.. but where from the mother was born?
Answer is her mother and she, from her mother and so on.. Like this if we try to move upwards, we reach the amoeba the simplest form of life from which all other animals, plants, be it anything was formed by change in shape,size, structure and modification..
The basic form of life is proved to be DNA! which is nothing but a chemical substance..
breaking it down, we get some proteins and as we break further we get the molecule, atom and subatomic partices, mainly electron, proton and neutron.. A kid who passed secondary education knows it. A higher educated one can say that a proton again can be divided into quarks.. which is advanced science..
But what is mind? is it particle? No, we can not see it, is it wave ?
The modern science say so..
But where from it came ? And what is the frequency of it?
Enough of science lecture.. let us come to a point..
Mind is made up of wave which is a basic form of energy.. The mind which functions throughout our body by electromagnetic pulse having its control centre at the brain and transmission centre at brain and the vertebral column.. This is science.. but where from it originated ?
Science may say that it originated randomly from the universe by chemical reactions and fusions, then we come at two conclusions..
1. Mind is formed by the same energy with which the universe is made and
2. Everything in this universe occurs randomly..
Then where fron the conciousness called "me" arises from ?
Where from the concept of GOD, fate, destiny comes?
Is it all random ?
Is everything that is happening or has happened is random?
I say no..
I think mind is something that surrounds me.. then upto what extent is my surrounding? The answer to this question is that the true extent of mind is equal to the extent of this universe.........
It seems quite strange but trust me it's true.. the Noetic Science proves that..
To all those who might not know what Noetic Science is, let me tell you, it is a part of science that deals with the mind, its power and extent..
As i said mind is a wave with frequency (measurable!), the frequency can be individually controlled increasing or decreasing the the extent, the range and the amplitude..
And it has a mass!
We are born with a body which continuously grows.. but let me tell you that the number of neurons are constant within all species.. all the human beingshave the same number of neurons, be it Albert Einstein or an illiterate person ( by illiterate I don't mean an uneducated person, I simply mean a person who doesn't know his true strength of mind). So, it all depends on how i exercise my mind and control it..
From the experiences that I have gathered throughout the twenty years of my life I can tell you that two things are constant in this universe..
1. The net energy content and
2. Cause and effect..
There is always a cause and following an effect which can be another cause with an effect and it is an unending chain sometimes circled up..
It's like the paradox that whether the Hen came first or the Egg..
Everything that we do is for a cause and the effect can again be a cause!
Seems to be a bit queer, or difficult to understand isn't it?
Suppose ten boys are sitting in a row, one of them slaps the next one to him and asks him to slap the next one.. so if this starts, where will it end, if everyone obeys the thing?
It will end to no where..
So, let us come to a point where we started.. about mind..
Mind is the cause of everything.. Everything that is present in this world be it a car, or a house or be the civilisation itself is the product of the mind.. and the effect is manifested on this earth and beyond..
So, the ultimate definition of mind is the part of the constant energy of the univese contained in a living object is called mind which is the medium of cause and the effects.. and is it connected to the universe ? Yes it is.....
But I just told you the greatest secret of the universe!!
Pretty difficult to understand isn't it ?
Don't blame on me if you don't :P
Thursday, December 30, 2010
That is what i feel now... what's wrong with me ?
I really don't know...
Nothing at this moment seems alright. I tried sleeping and it was all in vein..
Then I sat up, opened the notepad and started writing what you are reading now.. I plugged in my iPod.. Opened the album "Us..." and played the track "Loneliness"..
This track of mine, one of the very few tracks which i composed sometimes back is very special to me...
It's rather frustrating if heard in right state of mind.. but I created the track to fit my mind when I would be in a condition like this.
The track was accidentally created when I was exploring a sound mixing software called Acid Pro and checking its VTS services.. It just has few notes, 6 to be exact played continuously in a manner that it will, with a guarantee from me, frustrate you!
But believe me.. when you are frustrated, this will soothe you.. like its doing to me.. I will attach a downloadable copy of this track with this post.. hope it will soothe your mind in times like this.
Loneliness by koustavghosh
(You can download it by clicking on the (down) symbol beside the player)
Music has been my passion since I don't remember when, and while I grew up, my music preferences started to expand.
The last i can remember, the first signifant preference of mine was bengali hard rock.. to be exact the tracks of the Band "Fossils".. before that I wasn't introduced to rock music of anykind.. neither Western, nor indegenous.. the songs really made a mark in my growing mind and I, with my friend Prantik Mukherjee became ardent follower of Rupam Islam.
I, then already had a girlfriend and a healthy relationship with her.. still, the sense of emptiness in the songs composed by him and the band were absorbed in my mind and it became a bit of Gothic type..
Trust me, now when I recall those days, I can't stop laughing but, its true that I wrote a few songs and the music was given to it by my friend Prantik.
There were uncountable days when, while in the recess, we (me, Prantik and sometimes Satyaki) would conquer an empty classroom and sing aloud our songs with the only percussion- the benches..
One of those songs which I still remember is 'Bishakto'..first two lines of it where like this :
Sohorer asahyo roddure, ami thakchina, thakbona
Tumi amae chhere chole gecho, tobu tomae chhara bachbona
( In the unbearable sunny city, i'm not staying, i'll leave
You have left me long long ago, still without you I won't live )
No one did actually leave me.. but this sense of being alone after the one you love has left, this feeling I enjoyed unconditionally...
Now it feels silly, madness in the meddling teens, it was silly maybe......
Since then I started to be attracted towards the feeling of any song, it's music or the lyric whatever it may be... and since then my exploring through the music of the world started...
Even today also, I emphasize on the feeling of a song.. a film or any piece of art whatever comes in my mind... I judge it by my intellect and follow my inner urge toward any particular thing..
Then i shifted my outlook towards the Indian classical music..which itself is another story which I perhaps will tell you..
This is about a piece of me...
Its 2:25 in the morning and I'm signing off..
P.S. The track is still a mystery to me.. i don't know how it works, but IT DOES!
Check it out by yourself..
Ode to Love
Ye know no rule yet seem so right, I know not what art thou
When you surpass the world seems new, in you I find my soul
You haveth no begin, you haveth no end.. you haveth no distict goal
Yet you burn the heart so bad, as if a forest at fire..
The life is full of dreams and wishes, it's you whom i admire
She makes me feel that i'm at heaven, she touches me and i am shocked
She takes away my breathe alas! The ego of a man is mocked
Her eyes as deep as the ocean so blue, her lips make rose turn shy
Her voice so sweet as the singing lark, I love her i know not why...
She walks in my dreams, she makes me feel shiver, she does not let me sleep
Oh what pain i have to bear, her absence makes me weepLove
Oh love, Oh mighty love i thank you for being in my life
You made me love her.. you taught me to live.. you made me have my wife..
-- Dedicated to the one I love..
I will love you forever .......
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
At 12 in the night... Enjoying the solitude.. The lonely street lights speaking to me...
Meeting after a long time... The iPod is playing the track "Firefly" of the Korean movie 'The Classic"..
This loneliness used to strangle me a long time back.. Now.. its just a good friend.. a friend who never leaves me.. who never betrays me.. When i embrace it, it takes me and my emotions far far away.. in the memories.. in the dreams i shared with her..
T was the Second best thing that happened in my life.... Out of no where she came into my life. embraced me and we started a journey of our own..
August'2005 to December'2010 and still continuing, having formed a remarkable future.. lots of dream.. wit happiness and trust..
The best thing in our relationship is that it is perfect as it is the height of imperfection... we fought till the bream.. we loved.. we cried together and we shared a dream.. a dream of becoming ONE..
I still remember our first meet... Never did I knew then, the girl who was sitting a bit away from me, responding to my blank stares, would be my means of living.. Yet I knew this, that yes.. she was the one....
When she first met me, she tried her best, not to love me.. but alas! Like me.. she fell in a maze which has no wayout ( we both tried.... but couldn't) ......
She was the girl, the most beautiful ever ( according to me ) and we had something called love at first sight.... But the relation that we hold together now is the result of endless efforts and unquestioned faith and respect that both of us had for eachother.. and trust me.. still today... after six and a half years.. my heart still thumps at the first sight of her..
Every year.. we have a season of fights.. when, we fight like hell.. and trust me when i say hell, i mean it.... Then comes a phase of separation after which, we both confront that we can't live apart.. It seems very foolish and it is! Yet the memories of those times makes me have a good laugh when they come in my mind..
Well.. thats what my relationship status is at this moment.. No-one knows or have seen the future.. Neither have I..
But I know this much.. my story will be incomplete without her...
Love you a lot T!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Some random thoughts coming in my mind..
What am I ? Who I am ? What's my existance ?? Where am I ? Why am I here ? Where will I go from here ???? These are the question arising in my mind when I meditate deeply... Amidst the silent bliss of solitude.. These questions come around and fill me.. Then I started thinking what is the answer to all these.. ?
Through the chanting of "Om" I found out the biggest truth in the universe.. religion preaches it and science confirms it.. Whats is it ??????? " All is one " .. Everything in the universe is one.. made up of same basic elements.. and when they are seen, the basic elements are made of same atomic partices which are made of sub atomic particles, which are made of querks.. there will be a time when querks will be albe to be divided into some other basic particles.... Every particle has dual characteristics.. where from ? The wave in it.. whats that ? Energy ... How many types ? 2 .. One creates, one destroys.. Every thing in the universe comes in pair.. Charge - positive , negative .. Magnetic poles - north and south, living beings - male and female ... matter with antimatter.. What is mind ? It is the biomagnetic field that surrounds me.. whats it's extent.. That depends upon me.. It can be stretched till infinity.. Thats where conciousness turns superconciousness..
HariOm!! Amen!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A new beginning....
Bye all..